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Find affiliates and merchants

Find affiliates and merchants

Finding affiliates and good merchants is not always easy. In fact it needs a lot of research before finding the right products and services that serve your niche. Especially as affiliate marketeer.

But where  do you find them?

Like a coin, affiliate marketing has two sides.  In this case, the affiliates and the merchants: a real market place.

There are many such places on the web. But again how do you find them?

My favorite place is the wealthy affiliate platform since it offers an affiliate reasearch tool together with the jaaxy research tool. You can try them both for free.

I will be happy to be your coach and help you through!

Some sellers/buyers platforms

Affiliates, who need to find a sponsor for their web site. Get paid for your great content.

Merchants, Learn how you can increase your sales, develop nyour brand, and generate interest in your site.

Thank you for reading and sharing!

Black friday give away at wealthy affiliate

Invest in your future & learn

Learn affiliate marketing & build your own website with an awesome community and join me there. You can be a free starter for as long as needed. It includes free hosting and basic teachings. If you are an advanced user, you may like to level up. Just have a look, and see for yourself!

16 thoughts on “Find affiliates and merchants”

  1. Hi there,

    Thanks for recommending Wealthy Affiliate to your readers. I have to agree with you. Wealthy Affiliate is the Facebook of affiliate marketing. It literally has everything you could ever need when it comes to building your own website and making money. Not only that, but it actually teaches you how to start your own business, which is such a valuable skill! 


  2. Hi, love this post. I agree with what you saying that it is difficult to find affiliate products for your niche. I am in the law of attraction niche, which as you can imagine, is full of horrible affiliate programs. They may pay well, but they are selling people garbage and I refuse to promote their work.

    Aside from wealthy affiliate and afformations (created by noah st john) I refuse to affiliate for anybody else just for integrity reasons. In the law of attraction niche, it is mostly “informational products” and not physical products (atleast not reputable ones) so I can really relate to this post. Great work. 

    1. Hi Jake… yes, when it comes to affiliate programs, we always need some caution before jumping into another scam.

      Wealthy affiliates offers a solid foundation for learning affiliate marketing and hosting a website wIth all the support that comes with it.

      Thank you for sharing your experience in your niche… Some niches are ghosty indeed… not easy to find relevant programs. Just books, and even then, lots of rubbish. I found great inspiration in the original book, which opens up to positive mind setting in the first place.

      Good luck

  3. Affiliate marketing is a really large business and truly there are so many affiliates who aren’t good enough with their business and so finding a good affiliate may be a bit difficult. Also, affiliate marketing needs a better as well and so you need to find a good niche which is fast selling and would easily be marketable so as bring money in for the online business personals. Only a good research can do that.

  4. Hello, I really appreciate your time and effort on writing about finding affiliates and merchants which is definitely a crucial step in building your affiliate marketing business.

    The way you laid it out is perfect and informative, I love how you mentioned the Wealthy Affiliate platform because that’s what I use to find affiliate programs for my niche. It’s so easy to use and it shows you a list of options you can join. Is the affiliate marketing research tool opened to free Wealthy Affiliate members or do you need to go premium to use it?

  5. Hello, I really want to appreciate your effort in putting together this website and writing this article. one of the front lines of making money online is affiliate marketing and there are so many companies and platforms who pay when you get buyers to their products or individuals to subscribe for their services. Wealthy affiliateis best at linking you up with these platforms and heló you make the best of our it

  6. Hey thank you for the awesome post!  It is real hard to find affiliates, especially when it comes to my niche, which is occult and psychology. I have not tried share a sale though. Do you think they would have something within that niche or should I look elsewhere?  Any help would be awesome!

    1. Hi Jessie, it is always good to create a free account with Shareasale and check if there are merchants active in your niche. Once your site matures you can try google ads or amazon. 
      Good luck

  7. I have just joined the Wealthy Affiliate platform and it really is amazing with all the training and support that you recieve there.  It really is amazing that you can try it for free and then the first month is at the lower rate but only goes up to $49 a month.  They have so many amazing people within the community that are willing to help and answer any questions that I have had.  I do have a question as to joining ShareASale and that is do you only sell that program I never heard of it and was wondering if it was kind of like that Clickbank where they have lots of other programs to join within that site.  I still am happy to have joined and hope to be making money soon as I have gone through all of the training.  And one question also with the Jaaxy platformdo you need to pay for the upgraded or premium version or with the free one do just fine.  Thank you for all the great info.


    1. Hi Douglas, some just sign up for free with the jaaxy Tool and upgrade later to the pro version.  as a starter, there is enough for your need indeed. I recommend you sign up with shareasale indeed. It is free and offers a lot of merchants in all kind of niches. You can also use the new feature in the WA dashboard for seeking affiliate programs. 

      To your success!

  8. Hello there thanks for this awesome article it very important and also informative too,as getting a good deal and also getting sales is also an issue but I think this article would help us out in this key areas… thanks alot It would help to he public as it has been of help to me

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