A short tutorial for the wealthy affiliate
What did I do so far?
Some steps of action in a nutshell
I joined the wealthy affiliates
And did setup a free rubix site.
Added a simple theme
Updated and activated the given plugins
Wrote some basic texts like privacy policy and about me
Optimized my images and seo
Registred with google and bing
Added my social and affiliated links
Then i registred my own domain
redirected my old domain
Started posting links on social media
And asked my questions all along
And now?
I am testing my seo settings
And keywords
Refining as they say
A keyword tool
Join the Jaaxy community for free
My Tutorials
Thank you for likes, shares and comments!
To your success!
Good evening nuggets!
I like that name especially since your domain mentions gold. I presume you are someone who is fond of gold. So, I see you provided us with a list of steps that you took so far in your wealthy affiliate journey. Which of these steps do you think was the most challenging for someone just starting out? It’s always good to hear how high the hurdles will be before you get started. Thanks again and I look forward to your response.
Hi Neil!Glad to meet you here.Not all that shines is gold indeed. I came to make this website because webbuilding and affiliated marketing for many (me too) is more than a challenge…: a nightmare. The wealthy affiliates platform is an extraordinary community for solopreneurs who seek support, education and safe guidance. I hope to tease the curiosity of many since membership is free.So the first and most challenging step would be to join the wealthy affiliates. .. rest soon history..(I wished i had know them long ago. )
As a short tutorial, it was OK. However, I would like to see more content on the home page. Also, you have a couple of grammatical/spelling errors, particularly in not catalyzing “I.” Have you thought of using a different theme? It might change the appearance of your site. Overall, it was a good start to this subject, but I hope there is more.
Thank you Allen! Your comment is much appreciated and you give me ways to work on and to think about. My intent is not to be complete, just to tease the curiosity of my readers and to invite them to seek for more… to join me and to run run with me for gold on the wealthy affiliate website. Hence my title ‘for gold’. Yes, I have tried many themes and found this one attractive on mobile devices, my target group. But I am open for new suggestions. Your time to review my site was much appreciated. ❤️Happy 2018! Wishing you peace and health.