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The golden trail

The golden trail. The chase and search for a better life online. Where to find a good learning platform?
Gold rush

The golden trail

Following is easier than leading
Although many like leading

One of the golden trails
Is education.

Testing the right affiliate programs
is a painful process.
With many ups and downs.
And many scams.

My own quest

My quest started long ago with affiliate tracking.

There are many affiliate programs and courses.
All unique in their own approach.
Not easy to choose one.

Learning needs a secure and reliable community in the first place.
A community where you can grow in peace.

And one day I came across the wealthy affiliate platform. A platform with training for both web builders and marketeers. For bloggers and solopreneurs.

The new gold trail …

WHY am I telling you this?

I am telling you this to save you time and money. The training gives you a blueprint to your own success. And offers a lot of support and educational tools as well!

You can try as a starter for free and for as long as needed. If you do, just make sure this is for you.

WA is the #1 affiliate platform

Testing on your own is painful and time consuming with ups and downs. If you can, follow the trotted path.

What is next?

If you hesitate, and want to know more, read how to build your own niche website, by Kyle. One of the co-founders of WA .

Learning is not an easy trail
And it will give you as much as you give..

I will try to sketch that road here, for all to enjoy!

The best thing you can do is subscribe and see for your Self. You can do so by using my subscription link .

Thank you for reading.
Feel free to add your comments or questions all along .

Stay on track in your search for success
And follow the trail!

To your success!
All the best


Shop corner

Free e-books on buying precious metals

Black friday give away at wealthy affiliate

Invest in your future & learn

Learn affiliate marketing & build your own website with an awesome community and join me there. You can be a free starter for as long as needed. It includes free hosting and basic teachings. If you are an advanced user, you may like to level up. Just have a look, and see for yourself!

2 thoughts on “The golden trail”

  1. Love this article about the wonderful platform Wealthy Affiliates. I am currently enrolled in the program and push the limits every day on my site and want to see others as well. I would love to learn more about the success and see how well the WA platform has worked for you. Any way you could get to me? Thank! I appreciate your content.

    1. Hi Ryan, 

      The affiliated business is a hard one with lots of scamms and frauds. Easy money is a lie. It is hard work. My advice is to keep your current job or to seek one and build up your online presence untill you can live from it. It is not done overnight. Work on the basics first.

      The greatest success will be your own achievements. And in  time you will reap its fruits.

      Being part of a supportive community will push you further…

      Thank you for endorsing my sharing.

      Wishing you well…


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A gold digger... seeking gold. Leave the shiny objects and go for the real stuff. Seek the right place and dig untill you find.

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