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My greatest Christmas Present

My greatest Christmas present
greatest Christmas present

My greatest Christmas Present

You were the greatest gift
Given to me
On Christmas eve

A gift unwrapped
To cherish
And to hold

We celebrated Christmas every year
Now tears are flowing over my cheeks
You are no longer here

But the skies, the bells
The smiles, the smells
Remind me of you

A cape of wonder
Covers my shoulders
Keeping me warm

You are living in my heart
For ever now
Every ting reminds me of YOU

My beloved One 

Eternal presence

©️ Mlaure

Seasonal wishes to all!

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18 thoughts on “My greatest Christmas Present”

  1. That is so lovely Fleeky.

    ‘His body failed and now he flies
    free and well over the skies
    Often times he will draw near
    giving comfort to one who’s dear.
    Listen hard and look for a sign
    he will let you know that he is fine.’

  2. Life is multiplied because you loved, and your heart had to grow bigger and bigger as you could not contain all of it. It is meant for sharing, healing, growing, and when we are alone,
    it becomes knowing how love changed you and those you love.
    Thank you Fleeky for sharing your greatest love and your journey into the river of life through your words and experiences. You are so sweet!

  3. Lovely article, it’s something I will share on Christmas day with my family. But what gifts would you recommend that I get them. I am thinking of doing last minute Christmas shopping but I don’t know what to get my family. Could you please help me with that. Thank you for your help in advance 

    1. Love is the greatest gift…
      and hides in little corners… 
      you can not buy, nor sell it..

      Just love and show them how much you do in simple service

      take care Daniel

  4. earlier
    love seen
    now with benediction
    feel love

    oh dear!
    a brilliant feel
    that opened
    all the windows
    turning me calm & full
    I swear…..


  5. When I read this poem, my heart melted. When you think of Christmas, there are usually scenes that come to mind. Happiness, gentleness, stillness, love…etc,,,,
    I can’t feel that kind of Christmas as much inspiration for me now. It’s not necessarily Christmas, but reading this poem reminded me of my deceased mother.
    I miss my mother so much…

    1. Dear Minjun, 

      I feel so sorry about your loss… for what you share, you must have loved your mother deeply. 
      And indeed hollidays leave us with an empty place. Not with an empty heart.
      The love for your mother is great and I know  her love for you is too. She will give you little signs, as did my deceased father. He used to say ‘give people a feather, and they will fly.’ Since he passed away… many white feathers fall on my path unexpected, reminding me of him and his wise words. Just pay attention…

      May this end of year cheer you up with many blessings and good memories, is my humble prayer for you. 
      O Come, Thou Dayspring from on high
      and cheer us by thy drawing nigh
      disperse the gloomy clouds of night
      and death’s dark shadow put to flight.

      Kindly yours

  6. Maria,
    As Rumi said, ‘Beyond all notions of right doing and wrongdoing there is a field. I will meet you there.’
    I am sure he will meet you there!
    All the best!

  7. Over a thousand lifetimes I have searched for thee
    Over a million planets I have been
    But never have I seen
    One as close to me.

    Not nearly as good as yours, but had to comment on such a wonderful website.
    Ahh when will the poets rise up and advise the world.

  8. This is a lovely poem. When I was younger, I used to spend a lot of time writing poetry. It says a lot and delves into the nature of the soul. What better way to describe Christmas than with a poem? My favorite part is when a gift is unwrapped because it is so true. Continue your work and writing.

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