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From the tester of websites

From the tester, using themes and plugins in daily life. And just reporting about the best ones
The tester

From the tester

Many dream of their own website,
making it their main income…

Since technical stuff comes along, I decided to make a practical site about a platform that gives you the right tools to do so at lesser costs. And that helps you with extended instruction and education tools.

To do so, I have choosen to build an affiliated website with WA (try this platform for free) – the wealthy affiliates (more links below).

By keeping a journal with the steps taken,  the difficulties encountered, the ups and downs, I hope to help many, less familiar with the technical and financial aspects of a site.

So, let us go and take it one hurdle at the time…

It takes time to build up…

Dig at the right pace and place and then… bingo, whatever that means to you

Just come along! And let me know if you enjoy.

the first 3 days

Fleeky one

Affiliated links

(I would not recommend them if no good)

Wealth Affiliates (WA) main site
The WA Premium promo
Create a free Account on WA
Make a free website with SiteRubix

Thank you for reading and sharing!

Black friday give away at wealthy affiliate

Invest in your future & learn

Learn affiliate marketing & build your own website with an awesome community and join me there. You can be a free starter for as long as needed. It includes free hosting and basic teachings. If you are an advanced user, you may like to level up. Just have a look, and see for yourself!


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Fleeky One

Fleeky One

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