You can not use Gutentor without the Gutenberg editor in WordPress.
What is Gutenberg
Gutenberg is the latest editor of WordPress. Based on web page building elements it uses blocks for creating content and design . With little technical knowledge you can now just add a block and focus on your content. If you have not installed the free editor yet, you better try. It is the future of editing in WordPress.
First what is Gutentor
Gutentor is a plugin that enhances the design of blocks and templates In the Gutemberg editor
It is a free WordPress page builder plugin for Gutenberg.
You need Gutemberg to use it.
Gutentor allows advanced, easy, drag & drop page building for Gutemberg .
It help you create a beautiful and speedy site in minutes.
And, it needs no coding knowledge.
With one click you can indeed import templates and blocks from the Gutentor library and edit the content according to your own needs. The beautiful shape dividers will give some cutting edges to your posts and pages. And the animation options will add extra visual experience for your visitors and readers
You can dowload the plugin here for free
Gutentor WordPress page building blocks
How do you access the page building blocks of Gutentor?
In your main WordPress dashboard you can add new posts, pages, categories, media and tags.
When editing posts and pages you can add new blocks + (image, heading, … ) or import the Gutentor Template Library from the top of your editing screen. And you van even import Demo Data if you wish.
When designing your Gutentor blocks (element, module, post or term) you can add color, typography, margins, padding and even use advanced settings that impact all of the Block Section
You can also design your widgets by adjusting your general settings and styling for block titles and items.
Templateberg, are starter templates ready-to-use for your websites from entire pages and posts to detailed blocks.
A step by step tutorial is found here
From installing the free Gutentor plugin, using the templates, customizing blocks and much more
Do not miss the tutorial!
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