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Poem by a mobile user describing mobile optimisation of a wordpress site

Poem by a mobile user describing mobile optimisation of a wordpress site
Poem by a mobile user describing mobile optimisation of a wordpress site

Poem by a mobile user describing mobile optimisation of a wordpress site

In the vast digital universe bright,
There lies a WordPress site.
Yearning for speed, to take its flight,
On mobile screens, both day and night.

Responsive themes, the first insight,
Adjust to screens both small and slight.
For every user’s sheer delight,
With fluid grids and images light.

Amp plugins, they ignite,
A page speed that’s quite a sight.
From images and scripts that might,
Slow your site in users’ plight.

Optimole, steps in to smite,
Images bloated, a common blight.
Compressed, yet beautiful and bright,
They load with ease, and pure delight.

The code we minify, to invite,
A loading speed that’s dynamite.
WP Rocket, takes the fight,
Minifies code, with all its might.

Browser cache, the knight,
Stores files for a faster site.
In users’ browsers, it’ll write,
Data that’s reused, left and right.

CDNs, taking flight,
Deliver content with pure foresight.
With AI, they excite,
Predictive caching, oh what a sight!

AMP is quite the sprite,
For mobile pages, it’s just right.
With AI, it sheds light,
On faster loading, day and night.

Mobile-first design, a contrite,
Approach that keeps users in sight.
With AI, it ignites,
A user experience that’s out of

Testing your site, to cite,
Errors and issues that incite,
Poor performance and user spite,
With AI, we set it right.

These are the tips, recite,
To optimize your mobile site,
With AI as the kite,
Your WordPress site takes flight!

Shop tip

WordPress Mobile Optimization on Amazon

Happy optimizing your WordPress site!

Source OpenAI’s ChatGPT-3 Language Model – Images Picsart

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