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Web design trends

Web design trends for today. Webbuilding made easy with themes, page builders and ready to use niches from wordpress.
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Web design trends

Biking is trendy. Right?

But what is trending when it comes to web design? The looks? The moods? The fun?

All depends of your niche, of course.
But the main creative elements remain the same for most of us!

The choice of a logo, theme, website builder, color palet, style.

Resulting in a catchy homepage, a contact page and a blog page
Not to forget some legal stuff like pricacy policy and cookie options.

Today we are biking along the latest web design trends in the hope you will find some inspiration
And, let us be honest, unless you are a professional web designer, you will need a web builder or theme that does it for you. 
Just know that the latest wordpress version offers you all you need to DIY (do it yourself). A great way to start your journey before exploring other possibilities.

Web design is about templates, themes, code, plugins, stock images, footage, media and much more to enhance your site. Everything you need to streamline your creative process.

The latest trends

  • Dark mode is in. Easier on our eyes because it reduces exposure to blue light. It also saves battery energy. Many sites today allow toggling between dark and light mode.
  • Collages, used by web designers to draw attention on a range of wild effects to get the message across.
  • Diagrams and photographs with a specific atmosphere.
  • The cut-and-paste trend with a DIY look and feel. A modern portfolio with a collection of catching snapshots and scrapbooks.
  • Brutalism, the anti-design. A controversial style clashing colours, symmetry, fonts and imagery. Breaking the rules, going for uggly, bad and weird.
  • Minimalism, stripping down to the most essential elements. Catching the essence. No distraction. Cool and temporary.
  • Naturalism with organic design and textures, earthy colors, natural shapes, flower power and wowing landscapes. The smell of berries and the look of heavens.
  • Humor and insights. Brought with a smile. Never harsh. Uplifting. Motivating. Grandeur.
  • Self created, hand-drawn elements to attrackt curiosity from your visitors and readers.
  • Functionality to increase speed, loading times, mobile responsiveness, accessibility.
    All inclusive optimisation.
  • Motion and interactivity with roll-over effects . Who does not like animation?
  • Geometric structure and symmetry with gridlinrs and complex patterns. Eye catchers indeed.
  • Colors, shapes, forms… just name it.

In conclusion

Modern themes have predesigned templates.
No need for complex design knowledge and yet a top-notch looking website with code free and flexible page builders.

Take time to explore and surf the web until you find your style. And know wordpress themes offer a variety of styles easy to use and adapted to your own needs. A great way to start your learning.

Good luck!

What is your favorite theme or style?


Read More: Building Websites, design and branding

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