Trending today
What is trending today?
A hot question for many!
Trending topics
Trending news
Trending products
Trending is not the same as hot
Hot topics
Hot news
Hot products
Trending is a new setting
A new current
A new perception
Emerging markets
in marketing
are no other
The new trendsetters of
physical advertisement
internet adds
Taking advantage
Of new markets
Defeating competition.
Seeking money
Seeking attention
Seeking return on investment
Networks emerging
Seeking friends
Seeking specific audiences
The visuals (90%)
The audios
Marketeers agree on this :
One picture is worth
A thousand words
Well chosen
It floats
In your sub conscience
Many of those networks
Become goal setters
And influencers
Targeting a specific audience
Gaming one’s
Learning one’s
Business one’s
Or just advertisement
And entertainment?
The real stuff emerges
People have many questions
on all subjects
Not just curiosity.
They have problems
Seek solutions
Not just fun
outer space
after life…
A question of quality traffic.
Not just traffic.
Through keywords and SEO
A great tool to refine your keyword research
is the jaaxy keywords research tool.
A must for advertisers and marketeers.
Take advantage
of both social networks and SEO
Seek your audience
Follow internet marketing trends
boost your hits
it will result in more business.
Good luck!
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