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The golden glitter

The Golden glitter attracts many: fame and beauty, success and rewards. The golden medal is not for all
Golden glitter

The golden glitter

The golden glitter
Can be fashion
Can be fame

A golden Make-up
A golden medal

The first is beauty
The second reward

And those who have them
Know the supreme art
Of fame and glamour

And some
Just go
For a golden relationship

Others invest in their future
Learning the earning

My favorite?
The wealthy affiliate university

Good to know

Flag and medal displays

All about make-up :

Black friday give away at wealthy affiliate

Invest in your future & learn

Learn affiliate marketing & build your own website with an awesome community and join me there. You can be a free starter for as long as needed. It includes free hosting and basic teachings. If you are an advanced user, you may like to level up. Just have a look, and see for yourself!


2 thoughts on “The golden glitter”

  1. Avatar of Arie

    nice section! I am looking forward to the future content of this site. Especially in terms of learning about investments and growing an online business.

    You mentioned the wealthy affiliates , a platform for learning addiliate markering. I Joined the community and I can say that it is a great platform when it comes to learning about building websites online and affiliate marketing!

    Within the first week of joining the program, I was able to build my first website and I have been posting content regularly to it since then.

    My question is, what advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in Wealthy Affiliate? I have been a member for about 9 months now, but I am curious to know what you think.

    1. Avatar of Nuggets

      Hi Arie,

      Good to be endorsed by a fellow member of wealthy affiliates (WA) ! 

      My advice would be take your time. Learning comes before earning. It is not a shiny object without effect.

      Learn and refine. Do not expect easy and quick success.

      Combine the learning process with a fixed job and build up your niche at peace.

      As a newbie I was overwhelmed by the multitude of information and possibilities offered within this platform. And soon I realized that it would be hard labor. Hence my allegory with gold and seeking gold. The nuggets are real, you need to find them. 

      Once your website is set up within Wa, you have the possibility to search for affiliated programs. The integration of this affiliated products and sevices together with amazon and google ads can become a source of income if well thought of.

      Once done, you better improve traffic through social media.

      All topics will be developped walking the road to success.

      And the investment? Just improving your skills is worth it.

      To your success


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