Make your logo
To improve your visuals,
it is important to have a logo that matches YOUR brand.For many creatives like me, it is a playful game.
For many others not like me, a nightmare!If you are amongst the latest
Let me know
Reading tips
Use the right tools
One of them is a graphic design Platform called Canva.
It allows you to create your own visuals for free and offers paid subscriptions like Canva Pro or Canva for Enterprise for additional functionality.
Reflect definition (A little meditation)
Before adressing your audience, sit back and relax.
Reflect on the message you want to convey and how : the name of your website, a working slogan, a flavicon, a logo, a banner, …
They will be your online presence on social media, on documents, mails, promoting materials.
Training on code color
This simple training helps you to adjust the color code, according to your brand.
Learning step
What about wealthy affiliate ?
Is webbuilding and affiliate marketing new to you? Wealthy Affiliate is a learning platform that offers free webhosting and a solid education in affiliate marketing. You can join for free, for as long as needed, or subscribe for a special premium offer. Your choice…
What is next?
Just go and try for yourself. And let us know what you did to improve.
Or are you interested in me making your logo or helping you with your branding?
Lady Arc
Leave me a message then, with your refs , your wishes (color, slogan, title, category, font,…)
and we will try to make one together.
For those who have their own logo or made their own one, just let us know what you did..
To YOUR success
Your logomaker
Thank you for comments, likes and shares
Use Canva for free and try to make your own. It is fun and destressing!