Branding your social media
Create and brand your social media pages.
They are the face of your company.
This is where you show your work to the world.
This is where you show who you are and what you can do.
Strive for the highest quality!
And know how to use your social media presence.
Make sure to have share options on you website.
And to share stories when you can.
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Social Media Branding on Amazon
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Hiya FleekThank you for your inspiring article about branding your social media. I am right at the start of my journey and I have so many questions. You have answered several already thank you. Is it too expensive to use a graphic designer for my logo? I have zero artistic ability but big ideas of what I want. I am trying to build my brand without spending too much money but I am struggling to find someone who can help me. What is the one thing you would be prepared to spend money on to secure and promote your brand? Is SEO and content enough to reach the 6 figures you mentioned? Thank you for providing information I can really use to help grow my business/brand, I look forward to hearing from you about my questions, krs PurpleLioness
Hi Purple, good question… Before branding, you need to sit down and answer some questions. Only you can provide an answer to those… Once set, you need a theme that matches your niche. The branding of the theme implies a lot, one of them having a logo. As for budget, if you are in a learning proces, just know it takes time to establish your site.It is not a quick done. Learning comes before earning.Take your time, let it grow on you, and if stuck, let me knowGood luckFleek
Hello there, branding seems so easy but it’s not because you need a specific brand. Although the branding method is subject to change at anytime…..I don’t really know much about social media branding but I must say I have learnt something from this awesome article thanks alot it would definitely help others.
Hi Feji, social media like twitter, facebook, instagram and pintrest are among the most known. It is important to align their branding to the branding of your website, so the reader is not lost.Best is to open an account or group on all those media where you can share the content of your website, and give personal updates . Make sure not to spam your audience. That is why I like twitter a lot, it was made for branding and sharing your links and affiliate content. Thank you for your kind comments, have a wonderful day.
Thanks for this helpful and informative post!Nowadays branding is one of the ways to build credibility and trust with our audience. And knowing how to build our brand through social networks is very important because it conveys the whole image of the company and that’s where most of our potential customers are.Thank you for helping us know how to do that!!
Yes, Sebastian. Make it consistent is the message here indeed. Good luck!