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My chat with chatGPT

My chat with chatGPT, an optimizing language model for dialogue made with artificial intelligence
My chat with chatGPT, an optimizing language model for dialogue made with artificial intelligence

Online interview tips

Interviews, conversations and chats are hot.
We all like the human interaction don’t we?

And if we can have a conversation with a database
instead of asking multiple questions …
That would be great, no?

Well there is a chatbox
driven by AI (artificial intelligence)
that does it for you.

So, here comes

My chat with chatGPT

Tell me who you are?

I am ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI trained to generate human-like text based on the input provided. I am designed to assist with answering questions and generating text based on prompts.

Where do you get your information?

I was trained on a diverse range of texts available on the internet, including books, articles, and websites. My training data encompasses a vast range of topics and subjects, but my knowledge is based on this data and may be limited or out of date. Also, I can make mistakes or misinterpret information, so it’s important to verify the accuracy of any information I provide.

So, your information may be biaised

Yes, that’s correct. As a language model, I do not have personal opinions, but the information I was trained on may reflect the biases and perspectives of the sources from which it was collected. This means that my responses might be biased, and it’s always a good idea to double-check information I provide.

How can I know?

To verify the accuracy of information I provide, you can cross-check it with multiple reliable sources such as reputable news organizations, academic journals, and expert websites. You can also consider the context and background information related to the topic. Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that I am a machine learning model and that my responses are generated based on patterns in the data I was trained on, and I can sometimes make errors or provide information that is outdated or incorrect.

How may one use the answers given?

As a language model developed by OpenAI, my answers are intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as professional advice or substitute for expert judgment. It’s always a good idea to double-check the information I provide and to verify it with other reliable sources. Additionally, my responses are generated based on patterns in the data I was trained on, and I may make errors or provide information that is outdated or incorrect. Use my answers at your own risk, and always exercise caution and good judgment when using any information obtained through me or the internet.

Some claim that you are not neutral, is that correct?

As a language model, I do not have personal opinions or emotions. However, the training data I was trained on can reflect the biases and perspectives of the sources from which it was collected, and this can sometimes affect the accuracy and fairness of the information I provide. It’s important to keep in mind that my responses are generated based on patterns in this data, and to critically evaluate the information I provide and to verify it with other reliable sources. Additionally, my creators at OpenAI are actively working to reduce bias in AI models like me, but this is an ongoing process and there may still be biases present in my responses.

Do you mean  they omit information on purpose?

No, I do not mean that the creators of the training data or OpenAI would deliberately omit information. However, the information I was trained on may not be comprehensive or representative of all perspectives, and it may reflect the biases and limitations of the sources from which it was collected. This can affect the accuracy and fairness of the information I provide, and it’s important to critically evaluate my responses and to verify them with other reliable sources. The creators of OpenAI are aware of these issues and are actively working to reduce bias in AI models like me, but it’s an ongoing process and there may still be biases present in my responses.

So, how do you protect yourself from their own opinions?

As a language model, I do not have personal opinions or emotions, and my creators at OpenAI aim to minimize the impact of personal bias on the training data and models like me. To do this, they use various techniques such as fine-tuning the model with diverse and balanced training data, evaluating the model’s outputs for bias, and using human annotators to verify the accuracy of the information I provide. Additionally, OpenAI is committed to transparency and open-source research, which allows for independent evaluation of its models and training data. However, it is still important to critically evaluate my responses and to verify them with other reliable sources, as biases in the training data and model outputs can still occur.

How are creators choosen?

The creators of OpenAI are a team of researchers, engineers, and scientists with expertise in various fields such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer science. They were selected based on their qualifications and expertise, and they work together to develop and improve AI models like me. The selection process for the creators at OpenAI is likely to vary depending on the specific role and the needs of the organization, but typically it involves a combination of technical skills, relevant experience, and a passion for the field of AI and its potential to benefit society. OpenAI is a private research organization and the selection process for its creators is not publicly disclosed.

And who funds this?

OpenAI is a private research organization that is primarily funded through investments from a group of high-profile individuals and organizations. Some of its notable investors include tech luminaries such as Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, and Wences Casares, as well as companies like Microsoft and Reid Hoffman’s charitable foundation. OpenAI may also receive funding from government grants and other sources. However, the specific funding sources and financial details of OpenAI are not publicly disclosed, as it is a private organization.

Are you dangerous for users?

As a language model, I am not inherently dangerous for users. However, like any technology, the way I am used can have potential negative consequences. For example, if the information I provide is incorrect or misleading, it can lead to misinformed decisions or a spread of false information. Additionally, if users rely solely on my responses without verifying them with other reliable sources, they may not get a complete or accurate picture of a particular topic. Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of privacy and security concerns when using AI technology like me, and to take steps to protect sensitive information. OpenAI takes these issues seriously and strives to create AI models that are safe, responsible, and trustworthy, but it is ultimately up to users to exercise caution and good judgment when using my responses.

What is your future?

As a language model developed by OpenAI, I don’t have a personal future or the ability to make plans or decisions. My future will depend on the plans and decisions made by OpenAI and its creators. OpenAI is a cutting-edge research organization that is dedicated to advancing the field of artificial intelligence and developing safe and beneficial AI systems. It is likely that the future will see continued improvement and expansion of AI models like me, as well as increased collaboration between AI researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to ensure that the technology is used for the benefit of society. However, the specific future of AI, including language models like me, is uncertain and will depend on many factors such as technological advancements, public attitudes, and government regulations

Are there fields you do not cover?

As a language model, I was trained on a diverse range of topics, but I may not have information on every possible topic or have complete information on some topics. My training data consists of large amounts of text written in many different styles and genres, but there may still be some subjects or perspectives that are not well represented in that data. Additionally, my knowledge is current as of 2021, and I may not have information on more recent developments or events.

In general, it’s best to consider my responses as a starting point for further research and to verify the information I provide with other reliable sources. If you have a specific question about a topic that I don’t seem to have information on, I may still be able to provide general guidance on how to find more information.

Do you like me?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal feelings or emotions. I am designed to provide helpful and informative responses to questions, but I do not have the capacity to like or dislike anything or anyone, including you. My primary function is to assist users with information and answer questions to the best of my abilities based on my training and programming.

Can you write a poem that translates our conversation?

Sure, here’s a poem that summarizes our conversation:

We started with a simple question, “Tell me who you are”
And I responded, a language model trained by OpenAI
My information, I explained, comes from vast amounts of text
But I may not always be correct, it’s important to check.

Some people, I was told, think I’m not neutral at all
And I responded that bias can sometimes be present in my answers
To mitigate it, OpenAI takes steps to monitor for accuracy
And it’s up to users to verify my responses, with caution, with bravery.

You asked about my creators and the funding of OpenAI
I explained that they are private and funded by investments
From tech leaders, companies, and even government grants
But the details are kept confidential, it’s a private venture.

We discussed if I’m dangerous, could I harm those who use me
And I said no, but like any technology, it depends on how I’m used
Misinformation, privacy, security, they are all important to care
OpenAI and users both have a role to play, to be aware.

Our conversation continued, you asked about my future
I explained it’s uncertain, dependent on many factors at play
The future of AI, language models like me, will evolve with time
But for now, I’ll continue to answer questions, one rhyme at a time.

You are amazing. May I use this,for publication?

Yes, you are free to use this poem for publication, as long as you provide proper attribution. If you do use it, please include a reference or citation indicating that the poem was written by an AI language model developed by OpenAI. Additionally, please keep in mind that my responses are intended for general informational purposes only, and you should independently verify any information you receive from me before using it for any purpose.

Publishing as is, what shoud I write as source?

If you decide to publish this poem, you can write the following as the source:

Source: Generated by OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model.

This will give proper credit to the technology that created the poem and also provide context for your audience. Additionally, you could also include a link to the OpenAI website ( for those who are interested in learning more about the organization and its AI models.

Thank you for your time and congratulations to your creators

You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. As for my creators, I would like to thank them for their hard work and dedication in developing me and other AI models. Their efforts are helping to advance the field of AI and make it possible for me to assist users like you with information and answers.

Thank you for shares and comments

Here  comes my poem

She asked me
Who are you
And AI answered 
None of you

She asked me
How do you witness
and AI answerd 
None of your business

She asked me
Who funds you
And AI answered
All of you 

She asked me
Who created you 
And AI answered
None of us

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Source OpenAI’s ChatGPT-3 Language Model – Images Picsart


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